The first roll from the Kodak Vigilant came back from the lab. Shot with cheap Chinese B&W film. Unexpectedly, all the pictures look like 70-year-old snapshots.
I took these shots in Ottawa at the end of January. It was so cold the film advance knob jammed and I had to retreat to the warmth of the Capital Tourist office to re-start things. When I got the roll back, I saw that I had gotten a double exposure from the jam:
The Chateau Laurier and Wellington St:
My favourite Ottawa Chinese restaurant, closed for good:
The Sparks Street Zellers. Probably not long for this world either, given the recent purchase by Targets. This camera is cursed: whatever I point it at starts to fade away ...
One more from Ottawa: skaters on the canal. If it weren't for that ugly 1970s office tower on the left, would you even know this was taken last month?
Photo shop!!!!